Re: Simultaneous moves/fire & Holes in Bases
From: timj@u...
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 12:33:01 -0500
Subject: Re: Simultaneous moves/fire & Holes in Bases
George,Eugene M wrote:
--Does anyone else out there treat firing as a simultaneous action
--written fire declarations, or heaven forfend, the honor system) or do
The original FT I used this simultaneous fire rule and I still use it in
as I didn't like the feel of the alternate rule having played
simultaneous, It
feels more 'correct' to me too. We use the honor system unless it gets
Each side fires all its ships, the damage is noted & thresholds rolled
but dead
systems are not struck through on the SSD but a broken line used
Until all sides have fired, & thresholded, then the damage on the SSD is
through on all SSD's.
andy.skinner wrote:-
--By the way, the question I'm most interested from my post was
--how you get ships to stay on without fixing them there, especially
--if the hole in the bottom of the ship doesn't quite match the
--peg on your base.
I fill mine with Milliput (AKA epoxy putty) Then drill them out for the
stand sizes. I'm going to use Plastic Padding Chemical Metal to see if
its more
durable as the putty can crumble with abuse. FYI Chemical Metal is
strong enough
to be tapped with a thread and hold a bolt, there is an good demo of
glued together in the hardware store which is pretty indestructable.
In addition plastic and soft metal stand tips can be right-sized using a
sharpener (small hand held aluminium variety with a sharp blade) so that
taper to a point, with the drilled hole this can produce a satisfatory
interference fit as shown by this rather risque diagram.
| | hole
_________| |__________
_ tip
/ \
/ \
| |
I use this to mount MicroMachines on standard clear flying base hex
stands (GW
type) if you sharpen the tip - after removing the little nipple bit - it
very snugly into the MicroMachine plastic if sharpened to the right
amount. You
could use a file but the pencil sharpener is quicker and gives a more
even taper
for less effort.
Tim Jones