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Re: Another Superior question

From: John Crimmins <johncrim@v...>
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 1997 17:26:44 -0500
Subject: Re: Another Superior question

>Hmmmm, looks like an Avarian United Worlds ship to me!
>>...although the bit at the front, the paranthesis thingies, is
actually a
>>sphere on the ships.	Damned ASCI art....  
>Good job on the ASCII art, btw. I've seen worse.  ;-)
	Thanks, I'm thinking of starting an ASCII portrait service.... 
maybe not.  Apparently, the ships I have are Birdie ships (or so the
consensus seems to be), so now I have to start saving up to buy enough
an actual fllet!  One carrier, one Dreadnaught, 2 hvy cruisers and a
destroyer just aren't enough for me!

John Crimmins

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