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Re: B5\FT\Shadows\Telepaths (spoiler)

From: "Mike Wikan" <mww@n...>
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 1996 11:14:27 -0400
Subject: Re: B5\FT\Shadows\Telepaths (spoiler)

> Presumably these ratings don't match exactly with the ratings on the
show, as
> we know there are human telepaths with ratings of P12 or better. But
> there's no reason why the ratings NEED to match...
I was kinda thinkin' like a 2 to 1 ratio just to keep the numbers 
low...after all this IS Full Thrust..
> >  If a Shadow Cruiser is in a ship's Forward Arc, and within the 
> >  Telepath's "P"rating times 3 in inches, The telepath may attempt to

> >  "Lock" the Shadow Cruiser. 
> Why only in the forward arc? I wouldn't have thought telepaths would
> limited facing?
When Lyta Alexander engaged the Shadow Cruiser she declared that she 
needed a "line of sight" in order for it to work, so they moved White 
Star so that it pointed at the Shadow vessel.

Now just to PLAYTEST it.....;-)
Mike Wikan
Game Design\Conceptual Art
n-Space, Inc.

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