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Re: FMA... WTF?

From: M.J.Elliott@u...
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 09:45:31 -0400
Subject: Re: FMA... WTF?

>Stargrunt front cover say it's an "FMA(tm)" system and the back cover 
>blurb empahasises this. This term is not explained.
>I assume it's "Full Metal Anorak".
>So... is this significant?
>David Brewer

Sorry, for the delay in replying. I was on holiday and then we had mail 
server problems....8-(

FMA stands for "Full Metal Anorak", a term coined I believe by Mary
It was originally going to be the title of the low level infantry game 
(i.e. lower level than SGII) to be published sometime in the next
months/decade. However, JMT in his infinite wisdom - and whocan say he 
can't? - decided to use it to describe the game mechanics used in the
family of games (DSII, SGII and others). DSII was effectively the first
the FMA series of games. Give a set of game mechanics a name and you can

trade mark 'em.

Mike Elliott

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