Re: Quick question - headgear for the IF troops�
From: Jon Tuffley <jon@g...>
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2017 23:06:07 +0100
Subject: Re: Quick question - headgear for the IF troops�
Good suggestion, Allan - will most likely go with something of that sort
unless anyone has a better idea?
Jon (GZG)
On 9 Aug 2017, at 22:58, Allan Goodall <> wrote:
> They are the same garment (the colors and patterns are largely
regional). According to Wikipedia, the rope band that holds it in place
is called an "agal".
> I'd recommend listing the loose version as "wearing keffiyeh with
agal" or "wearing shemagh with agal", and the other as "wearing wrapped
keffiyeh" or "wearing wrapped shemagh".
> To further differentiate you could use both versions of the name,
going with "wearing keffiyeh with agal" and "wearing wrapped shemagh".
> On Aug 9, 2017 3:28 PM, "Jon Tuffley" <> wrote:
> I AM going with both (the heads are done, just got the get them added
to the bodies!)âÃÂæ.the question is simply what to call them, to make the
two versions clear in the descriptionsâÃÂæ.?
> Jon (GZG)
> On 9 Aug 2017, at 20:17, Jason Weiser <> wrote:
>> I would go with both, the ones with the cloth wrapped around the face
would be popular for a variety of applications. SF units for example?
>> On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 2:52 PM, Jon Tuffley <> wrote:
>> Thanks Jason - yes, as you say, from that link it appears that I'm
looking at simply two different ways of wearing the same piece of
clothingâÃÂæ. so, anyone got any suggestions as to how I should
differentiate the two styles in the figure pack descriptions?!
>> I'm planning to add more packs of IF in 15mm with the Keffiyeh style
heads (as I've been calling them, that is the loose flowing style
secured with the headband) but also to add some packs wearing it in the
"turban" style, some with face exposed and some with the cloth wrapped
across the faceâÃÂæ.
>> Jon (GZG)
>> On 9 Aug 2017, at 15:39, Jason Weiser <> wrote:
>>> Both terms seem to be interchangeable.
>>> This might also help:
>>> On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 10:37 AM, Jason Weiser
<> wrote:
>>> You mean the shermagh?
>>> On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 10:13 AM, Jon Tuffley <> wrote:
>>> Hi all, a quick query to the GZG-ListMindâÃÂæ.
>>> This is an odd little question that I've been trying to find the
answer to online, but obviously my Google-Fu is weak today - wondering
if anyone here knows it, or can find it more easily than I canâÃÂæ.
>>> As most of you already know I do versions of the Islamic Federation
troops in both 15mm and 25mm wearing the traditional "Keffiyeh", which
I've always understood to be the name (or maybe just one of the names)
of the classic "chequered teatowel with the headband band round it" (I'm
using this as a purely descriptive term, not with any non-PC meaning to
it!), SAS/LRDG /Lawrence of Arabia style. But what I can't find is a
name for the the longer cloth or scarf worn wound around the head
turban-style, with the ends either over the shoulders or wrapped across
the face as a sand-mask; is it still simply called a Turban, or is there
a better term for it?
>>> Thanks in advance!
>>> Jon (GZG)