Prev: GZG Official: LAST DAY of the GZG 30th Birthday Offer! Next: GZG Official: News Update - COLOURS show, 12th September!

RE: GZG Official: LAST DAY of the GZG 30th Birthday Offer!

From: Douglas Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2015 12:11:21 +0000
Subject: RE: GZG Official: LAST DAY of the GZG 30th Birthday Offer!

" The 30th Birthday Special ends strictly at 12:00 MIDNIGHT, (2400
hours) UK TIME TONIGHT, Friday 31st July... "

That's like, what, 6PM my time! So unfair! Oh, wait, weeks of sale
already... ;->=

Of course, I was really looking forward to partaking, when this fellow
had decided he was going to postpone dipping into the vacchead
experience, selling a large parcel of ships. You'll be pleased to know,
as he was in the UK, still favored your side of balance of payments, but
it'll be awhile til I sort through.

"... there are some that are taking a few days longer than usual to be
dealt with - thanks for your extra patience!"

How kind of you to say, but we understand about global warming and
static warp bubble/wormhole interface interference.

Seriously, after the random horror stories we hear of cross briny, cross
ANY border, shippage, seeing anything in a reasonable time is


-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Tuffley [] 
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2015 3:25 AM
Subject: GZG Official: LAST DAY of the GZG 30th Birthday Offer!

textfilter: chose text/plain from a multipart/alternative

UPDATE - FRIDAY 31st July 2015:



The 30th Birthday Special ends strictly at 12:00 MIDNIGHT, (2400 hours)
UK TIME TONIGHT, Friday 31st July, so if you still want to get a
generous bag of freebies with your order (valid on all orders with a
final total of 30 GBP or above, including shipping and VAT where
applicable) then please make sure you get your order to us before that
deadline! A LOT of orders have been coming in over the last couple of
weeks as many of you have taken up the offer, and though they are being
processed and mailed as quickly as possible there are some that are
taking a few days longer than usual to be dealt with - thanks for your
extra patience!

Thanks for reading!

Jon (GZG), 31st July 2015

Prev: GZG Official: LAST DAY of the GZG 30th Birthday Offer! Next: GZG Official: News Update - COLOURS show, 12th September!