RE: SG:AC discussions (was: Official - More re GZG news update - NEW RELEASES!)
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 23:54:08 +0100
Subject: RE: SG:AC discussions (was: Official - More re GZG news update - NEW RELEASES!)
>textfilter: chose text/plain from a multipart/alternative
>I think the idea of standard "squads", "platoons" etc. are a good
>idea. Those can be the framework. If Mr MunchkinHammer wants that
>all PA force, fine, he just needs to pay for it, and the support
>structure to go with it. Maybe some "economic" rules for force
>building. Something that takes into account the "tooth to tail"
>needed to support the force you are building (I'm pretty sure
>Traveller/Striker had this).
Interesting.... maybe part of the pre-game is a serviceability check
on all vehicles and high-tech equipment (PA suits etc), with the
chances of passing linked to the tech level of the equipment and the
level of logistical and maintenance support available to the
force.... skimp on the support, and you run the risk of half your
grav-tanks or PA suits being unavailable for the battle because the
spare parts you need are 27 light years away.... and suddenly the
local forces' wheeled APCs that run on grain alcohol don't look such
a joke. ;-)
>My ideal would be:
>single figure for leaders/key personnel
Either singles or a 2-man command stand on something like a small FoW
>stand (2-5 figures) = Fireteam/Weapons crew
Typical "element" stand of normal infantry 3-5 figures, a Power
Armour element a 2-3 figure stand. Weapons crew and weapon is a
single element on a stand. Typical stand sizes would be the FoW
medium bases, or a 40x40mm like the very useful Victrix plastic ones.
>vehicle = single vehicle
Yes, definitely; though I don't mind WW2 rules with downscaled
organisations (so 1 tank = a troop, 3-4 are a squadron etc), I don't
think it feels right for SciFi - not quite sure WHY, it just doesn't!
Jon (GZG)
>Players would control @ a company (12-16 stands), with of table
>Mission/scenario generator that uses force ratios.
>Michael Brown