RE: Interest in re-vitalizing the UFTWWWP?
From: Douglas Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 15:12:08 +0000
Subject: RE: Interest in re-vitalizing the UFTWWWP?
Perhaps my vision is colored by a lot of time on TMP and LAF, but, with
the Skullworks support, I think XD may be pulling ahead, albeit, I'm not
sure how much the German group is in contention.
However, there's still a heck of a lot of love for FT II, so Full Thrust
has always had a variety of versions, and was always stated as the
intention in the FT II book. I would love to see UFTWWWP come back. Jim
Klein et al are doing marvelous work, but not near the breadth of the
old site.
As to what/how, I would only add my own dismal experience with Go Daddy.
My store now uses a local provider in
Lincoln-Can-You-Believe-Your-Eyes-Nebraska for years with great success.
Ask friends to ask other local businesses what they use. Or, so I
May the Great Bird smile on your endeavor, Mark!
-----Original Message-----
From: Indy []
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 8:00 AM
Subject: Re: Interest in re-vitalizing the UFTWWWP?
textfilter: chose text/plain from a multipart/alternative
1) I use Lunarpages. That's worked fine for the decade I've had my
website up and not hosted through the local library system. I think I
went there on the recommendation of Star Ranger.
2) I may be a throw back to the old days of yore, but I still work with
the WYSIWYG editors and HTML coding. My pages aren't fancy, but still
information functional. Someday (when I have more free time) I may try
to upgrade to something a little more early 2000s than mid-1990s. :-D
3) FT in and of itself has either continued and flourished, or, as you
noted for in your neck of the woods, died. With the lack of FT3 having
ever come out, it also has morphed into several other versions, such as
Cross Dimensions and Warlord. Different groups play the different
morphed versions. All depends on what the interest is around you.
Overall FT is still very popular and remains the go-to starship combat
game system for those not embroiled in the lawyering of SFB. :-)
On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 11:41 PM, Mark Siefert <>
> Hey all:
> No, I didn't die. I didn't join an apocalyptic cult that worships
> mutant avocados from Dimension X. Life just took me off in directions
> that I didn't think I'd ever be going and I drifted away from FT, my
> website, and a lot of things. I've gotten older, (unfortunately)
> fatter, a little more grouchy, a lot more liberal, and just generally
> That said, I'm still a gamer to the end, and I recently my interests
> are being pulled back to the rules that got me into the wargaming
> With that in mind, I also want to see about trying to resurrect the
> Trying to use the original site is problematic. For starters, it's
> been so long since I logged onto that server that I can't remember my
> FTP password. I have tried everything I can't recall but I can't get
> into my old account. Contacting the person who ran it results in Mail
> Delivery Failure messages. Of course, all is not lost. All I have to
> do is just download everything (maybe reformat some stuff along the
> way) and plug it into a new page. However before I invest the time,
> money, and effort into such an undertaking, a few questions:
> 1. I'd want to set it up with a dedicated domain name. is
> open, so I shouldn't have any problems with that. Any recommendations
> who I should register with? I've heard baaaaaad things about dealing
> with
> 2. It's been ages since I've done much in the way of .HTML coding and
> I know that WYSIWYG webpage editors are a thing of the past. We're in
> the day and age of CMS. Does anyone have any suggestions for a good
> one that will suit an hobbyist like myself?
> 3. Would it be worth it? FT is dead in my neck of the woods and I have
> never been able to generate any interest in Fleet Book-style play.
> I'm now an impoverished office drudge, I don't have the money to go to
> any of the major Cons anymore. Therefore, I don't know if there is
> that much interest anymore. What do you folks think? Has the UFTWWWP
> outlived it's usefulness, would I be playing to an empty room, or is
> there still some love left out there?
> Let me know please.
> Cordially,
> Mark A. Siefert