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RE: Tuffleyverse fiction was: RE: Cross Dimensions

From: Douglas Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 15:08:44 +0000
Subject: RE: Tuffleyverse fiction was: RE: Cross Dimensions

> Have you ventured into the Lost Fleet series any?

Have to go back and retry; a friend is deep into it, and says my
recollection of mostly groppo action is wrong.

As for Odyssey One, no fears, I'M no rocket scientist...

> Very "US Navy In Space Saves Humanity", but then that's what a lot of
readers want...

I'm sure I've read some Douglas, but not sure about that series; you've
actually talked me into looking up the Drake stuff. ;->=

'Lady Megan' saves the day, but, in both stories, as sole survivor,
knows the credit undeserved. Everyone in the navy knows her peerage is a
sop to the 'colonials'. Selfdoubt-R-Us US.

Yesterday's Children, in the original, even more so. Rather The Caine
Mutiny or The Bedford Incident in space.

Really? No one else thinks Weber's or Bujold's feel a bit like RN in

By the way, if anyone feels this has gone on TOO long, please do pop up
and say so. If not, I should like nominations for the best FT book not
called FT...


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