Missile Arrays
From: Tom B <kaladorn@g...>
Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 20:23:30 -0500
Subject: Missile Arrays
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Missile Arrays [used by Tauri in Stargate FT adaption]
Mass: 1 mass/2 missile tubes (array size is measured in tubes)
Cost: 2/mass
Range: 30"
Arcs: all (360 degree, homing)
Damage: 1 pt per missile
- Does not require launch during ordinance launch (does not have a
- Launch is indicated during 'fighter and missile attack allocation'
allows engagement by screening fighters or PDS)
- During launch, missile array salvo should place a marker at the target
ship or otherwise indicate to target ship's player that a missile salvo
targetted there and how big the salvo is (a salvo from an array is of
size or half array size after 1 threshold)
- Missile count is based on mass of array and is halved at the first
- If not shot down, missiles will hit target (not like unreliable SM
targeting) doing 1 point per missile
- Missile array has no ammunition limitation
- Missile array requires a working FC to target but may share that FC
other weapons targeting the same target
- Fighters screening a ship may engage missile array as per SM
by fighters
- Fighters in open space may not engage the missile array projectiles -
they move fast and are many and are resolved more like a direct fire
I used this at ECC to simulate the SSN/SSBN like missle arrays the Tauri
ships had. The defending ships had to decide to use fighters (or not) to
screen their ships or devote their beams to engage the incoming
The damage is a lot lower than an SM's on average and definitely
but it is continous (no ammo), doesn't miss like SMs (not targeting,
missing marker placement), and it has a 30" range.
This is essentially a direct fire solution for missiles. It probably
ignores some alien weapons like PBLs or shrouds (or at least, I haven't
to consider how to deal with them) and their effect on missiles so in
sense, it operates more like a K-gun or other high velocity kinetic.
Opinions on cost?
Suggestions on additions to cover other systems that should be
as defenses/counters?