Re: More future history questions - India
From: John Tailby <john_tailby@x...>
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 08:49:56 +1300 (NZDT)
Subject: Re: More future history questions - India
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I thought it quite interesting that in the future history, the country/
blocs seem to rise on a consistent curve over the next hundred years or
so. In recent history the cycle between rise and fall seems to be a lot
faster than that. Both Germany and Japan came from defeated devastated
countries to economic powerhouses in <50 years. Russia went from a world
super power bestriding the globe to a much smaller country. UK presided
over the breakup of it's globe spanning empire.
Over the GZG timeline I think countries influence will wax and wane.
It will be interesting to see if the political boundaries in Africa get
redrawn along tribal /cultural lines rather than the arbitary lines that
colonial powers drew on the map. I don't see Africa having the ability
to develop into anything like the PAU until there is some stability
within the building blocks and that won't happen when hostile tribes are
forced together under a common administration.
The UK is interesting, it lost most of it's sources of raw materials and
it's economic base of manufacturing was wrecked by its trade union
movement so now it struggles to work out what it's economy will make /
do. Going into the EU looks like a bad move for the Brits, they propped
up French famers for years under the common agricultural policy and
ended up paying a lot higher prices for comodities than they needed.
Ditching the EU and getting back to it's sources of supply from the
Commonweallth might be the best move it could do.