Re: More future history questions
From: <Beth.Fulton@c...>
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2012 14:34:33 +1100
Subject: Re: More future history questions
> Hehehe! So, Beth, reckon that between us all we could sell a
> (slightly revised) GZG-verse to these guys? Seems to be as plausible
> as anything else I've read on this thread so far.... ;-)
Definitely! I spent one meeting listening to the geopolitical guys go
for it sketching what the world could be like so over drinks I jokingly
asked them how plausible the GZG timeline was - I only informed them it
was a game after the fact. Their eyes lit up, especially around the
Eurasian, African etc bits - which was more our focus rather than
Atlantic powers even if they are superpowers. A bunch of them even asked
for the web address.... then again maybe they're secretly all gamers ;)