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Re: [GZG] Gzg-l Digest, Vol 37, Issue 24

From: Brian York <polemarkh@g...>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 12:58:09 -0400
Subject: Re: [GZG] Gzg-l Digest, Vol 37, Issue 24

On Thursday, September 30, 2010, (Ground Zero Games) wrote:

>Just an off-the-cuff idea to add to the discussion, prompted by
>Roger's post above:
>If folks bring ordnance-heavy ships and want them at fully supplied at
>the start of the game, make them pay for suitable fleet munitions
>tenders as part of their force; if they choose NOT to do this, then
>all ordnance-carrying ships have only a random % of their standard
>loadouts to represent ordnance already expended in earlier

I realize that I'm replying to a bit of an old message, but 
hopefully it will still be interesting to somebody.

I actually use something like this (crossed with the "mission 
selection card draw" system from Ad Astra's Attack Vector / 
Squadron Strike, where you find out your mission objectives by 
drawing from a deck of cards just prior to the engagement). 
Essentially, you have three different readiness levels, high, 
medium, and low.

High readiness implies that your force was put together 
*precisely* for this mission. You don't need ordinance carriers, 
and you don't need to roll for ordinance.

Medium readiness implies that your force was given its current 
assignment near the start of a patrol mission. For all 
expendable ordinance (fighter groups, missiles, SM loads), roll 
a standard 6+ threshold check. If it fails, then it's not 
available (expended / down for maintenance / whatever). Subtract 
1 from your roll if you have a supply train.

Low readiness implies that you got your orders at the *end* of a 
long patrol. Same as medium, but the threshold check is 5+, and 
again subtract 1 from your roll if you have a supply train.

Note that this could, potentially, be expanded to a general 
"previous battle damage" system, which might mean that some of 
your ships need to make threshold checks on *all* systems before 
the start of the game. And note that your victory conditions 
should reflect your battle damage level (and readiness level).

Brian York <>
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