Re: [GZG] New Toys for Salute
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 07:35:10 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] New Toys for Salute
This does beg the slightly OT question, how easy is it to make 15mm
terrain? I am an old hand at 28mm terrain but even 20mm has scared me
in the past – I think one word 'bricks' will explain why though of
late I
have been dabbling with brick textured plastic card with mediocre
results –
still better than expected and good enough. You do not need bricks for
either which is nice.
Interestingly, I found some Hallmark buildings that were about right in
scale, but obviously American, and these were played with at the store,
promptly abandoned for the far more appropriate to micro-armor kitsch
pieces I'd hoarded for years. 'Real' sized buildings took up too much
on a limited table area, everyone assumes you'll be fighting around
and people were far more interested in the tanks' paint jobs than
of the buildings' scale, apparently.
Eye of the beholder, of course. I'm the fellow at the store that can
an old movie, and forgive Tigers made from sufficiently boxy later model
'merican tanks in drag. I tend to draw the line at Sherman 'Panzers',
Of course, if I ever do play FoW, given my painting anxiety, I'll take a
lead from some of my FT fleets. I'm fine with micro machine ST and SW. I
have no problem with putting, *horrors*, Hasbro/AH Axis & Allies
on the table. ;->=
For what it's worth, I consider the original question only slightly OT,
that. Fans of Tuffleyverse have created colony world fluff that makes
period architecture far game. Medieval fantasies with spired castles and
timbered Tudor row houses are common in sci fi, so I think it's high
for a dense foliage of reds and purples surrounding a split level ranch.
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