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[GZG] Paint drying out....

From: Tom B <kaladorn@g...>
Date: Mon, 1 Feb 2010 16:27:51 -0500
Subject: [GZG] Paint drying out....

If you are having a problem with normal hobby paints drying out (such
as Tamiya, GW, the D&D paints, Vallejo), you might want to look into
life extenders for acrylics. I purchased such a product in about a 500
mL bottle from an art/drafting store in town.

I add a wee bit to the paints ever so often (sometimes I just open
them up and drop a wee bit in, stir, close them up). It helps replace
evaporated liquidity with something not as thin as water and that
helps retain the existing viscosity.

Some of these sorts of products:,Fine-arts,Paint-retarder

Vallejo has one but they're selling it in wee bottles and it's rather
overpriced when packaged thusly.

Winsor, Newton, Ceramacoat, Folk Art. Most of these are 'craft paint'
extenders, but they'll work with your fancier gaming acrylics. Most of
the difference I can see between folk/craft paints and hobby/gaming
paint is pigment size (smaller particulates). You can often get away
with the craft/folk art paints for vehicles and such if you can find
the right colours.

Some other tips:

Tom B

PS: GZGpedia Wiki with 'side areas' for home brew universes (Roger's,
maybe JA's if we can convince him, some others) would be pretty cool.


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from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a
precedent that will reach to himself." -- Thomas Paine

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liberty quits the horizon." -- Thomas Paine
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