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Re: [GZG] FT Vector: Alternative Fire Resolution Distance (Tom B)

From: Robert Mayberry <robert.mayberry@g...>
Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 19:40:56 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] FT Vector: Alternative Fire Resolution Distance (Tom B)

LOL the chocolates in the tutorial I thought were really clever. I
laughed out loud when I read them. Three cheers for operant

Actually, I appreciate Ken maintaining such a strong online presence
(much as I appreciate Jon staying so close to his customers). And, if
you have a rules question, you could do a lot worse than to look in a
mirror and say "Ken Burnside" three times. :)

One thing that will keep me coming back to FT, though, is its
simplicity and playability. I would love to see a reaction-drive tweak
for FT that is compatible with AV:T / THS physics, and I've been
kicking around a generalized weapons system that would eliminate some
of the "win the battle in drydock" effects, but I'd hate to kill the
simple elegance of the rules.


On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 7:13 PM, Doug Evans <> wrote:
> Really, do have a look first, and preferably in a demo by fan boys.
> a turn or burn thing, of the kind of YMMV greatly.
> It does a fair job of keeping the math under the bonnet, so to say,
but I
> can't tell how deep the math is, come to that.
> I hate playing devil's advocate, and I REALLY don't care for this
> but if I a) could have really felt the 3D I was using, b) didn't think
> 'drawing the course changes through the boxes' felt fiddly, I  might
> it a lukewarm recommendation.
> Strange thing is, I am almost surprised I had to state the above. Ken
> Burnside has a way of showing up in any web conversation about the
game, to
> the point of being a bit annoying. When one of my store partners goes
> a rant about the game not being worth the chocolate used to bribe into
> play, I stand quietly for a moment, almost expecting him to pop
through the
> door.
> The_Beast
Gzg-l mailing list

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