Re: [GZG] Space Terrain
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Sat, 9 May 2009 17:03:15 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] Space Terrain
Tom B wrote on 05/08/2009 10:00:45 AM:
> Any others I missed?
Extra-system, but so are nebula, are possible Oort Clouds. I believe
incredibly diffuse, but, over a sphere one third the distance to closest
neighbor system, a heck of a lot of mass. Anything recent about our own?
Evidence-inferred extra-Solar Oorts? (Sorry, having difficulty with
markings; apologies to the good Professor).
Indy said in a note I'm too lazy to create a 'wrote on' ref:
>> Local conditions, while age-of-the-galaxy rare for a Star
>> Wars version, can vary, and other world systems are proving
>> our current experience.
>> I accept denser populations than we currently experience as a real
>> possibility, and worth modelling.
>I think we come back to the earlier discussion about just because
>we don't know for sure that something is impossible, doesn't mean
>that we can throw in anything we want if we want to aim for realism.
See, not really, as Nemesis was exactly the model of a kind of 'local
condition' that might well concentrate bodies in a 'swarm' ; a
of a couple of streams of bodies should be able to create a fairly
and chaotic area for a short time as well. Definately different from
previous discussion, my reply to which I decided to send to draft as
dreary thread would have just dragged on.
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