Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Change to 15mm Free Trader Crew.....
From: Allan Goodall <agoodall@h...>
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2009 23:49:20 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Change to 15mm Free Trader Crew.....
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 11:08 PM, Evyn MacDude <>
> Er, Not for Traveller, the 15mm release of figures for Traveller far
> number the 25mm or 28mm releases.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. (I only have, oh, about 200 or so 15mm
Traveller figures...)
> And being that Traveller is the defacto Standard of SF-Roleplay You
> statement is a reach.....
Oh, I think that's debatable. I'd be willing to bet that the various
flavours of Star Wars (D6, D20, Saga Edition, not to mention the
semi-official variants in games like All Tomorrow's Zombies for All
Flesh Must Be Eaten, or the unofficial variants for True 20, Savage
Worlds, and the like) have out-sold Traveller over the years. Yes,
Traveller has been around a lot longer (hmm... what, maybe 10 years
longer? I'd have to do some digging to find out), but Star Wars is
currently found in large chain book stores that don't carry Mongoose
and wouldn't know a Marc Miller if it bit them on their order sheets.
And It wouldn't surprise me if the Star Wars figures -- mostly the
collectible ones, with the close tie in to Star Wars D20 and,
especially, Star Wars Saga Edition -- have out sold Traveller's
unpainted metal figures, and that's not including the bare metal Star
Wars figures from West End Games' run. The Star Wars figures are
around 25mm.
While Traveller shows up every now and again on, the most
prolific sci-fi topic is "Star Wars: D20 or D6" (trick question; the
real answer is "Star ORE" *grin*) and the D20 forums are pretty busy
with Star Wars questions. That doesn't mean much other than to say
that a general RPG board has more love of Star Wars than Traveller
(something that I personally feel is pretty sad).
Regardless, the vast majority of roleplayers game in 25mm. Traveller
is the primary exception, but taking all RPGs out there in all genres,
25mm and above is the preferred scale, mostly due to visual appeal.
You could also argue that with what's available RIGHT NOW as easy to
purchase figures, Star Wars and WH40K make up the vast majority of
available science fiction roleplaying miniatures, and they are all
25mm or above. (Yes, I'm not fighting fair. 40K has only had an RPG
out for about, what, two years, so very few of the 40K figures out
there are for RPG use.)
(While I always liked WFRP -- more in spite of its roots than because
of it -- I'm not sure how I feel about Dark Heresy and the other 40K
RPGs. I just don't care much for the background universe. I do have
the PDF of 3:16, though. A lot of 3:16 players use 40K miniatures, but
you could use any you have from any manufacturer. If you ever wanted
to roleplay genocidal bug hunt adventures, you owe it to yourself to
pick up 3:16. Now THAT is an RPG that should appear at an ECC
sometime! if I ever managed to get to an ECC, I'd run a game of that.
While any miniatures would work, it just cries out for power armour.
Jon has a bunch of figures that would work just dandy for it. You can
paint up bugs for it, too, but I've heard that the best option is to
use green glass beads, as they look more like "blips" on a scanner.)
As much as I prefer 15mm for almost all of my gaming, I still want
25mm for RPGs. Besides, there are way more Wild West figure lines in
25mm than in 15mm, which you need to do the browncoated freighter crew
type games justice.
(Jon, if you do these in 25mm, any chance you can sculpt the security
guy with a woollen cap instead of a hoodie? *grin*
Allan Goodall
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