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Re: [GZG] Mixed Role Fighters

From: Robert Mayberry <robert.mayberry@g...>
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 16:29:37 -0400
Subject: Re: [GZG] Mixed Role Fighters

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 4:02 PM,  <> wrote:
> I think the point may be lost. The X-wing is multi-role, but it is not
> good a bomber as a Y-wing, nor is it as good an interceptor as an
A-wing and
> when it comes to anti-ship combat, nothing beats the B-wing. The
> would fall into the category of the generic fights baseline in the

See below for (many) examples.

> In B5, the Star Furies are used for multiple roles, but not usually at
> same time. Raptors in BSG are a lot like current Wild Weasel aircraft
> the Intruder and such. They carry complicated ECM/ECCM and also can be
> loaded up with bombs and such but they are not really fulfilling
> roles at the same time.

The raptors are multirole in a different way; as I point out they
aren't really represented in FT2 at all (though I think they should
be). Inasmuch as they do any fighting at all, they resemble attack
fighters (Indy: I mean in the FT2 sense of attacking capital ships). I
mention this only because I wanted to clarify that the colonials don't
exclusively use vipers on antiship missions. However:

Vipers do actually attack both ships and other fighters. Usually it's
the same characters doing both. So they're not just interceptors
sweeping up lots of multirole Cylon Raiders.

It's hard to track in B5, but in I think it was Severed Dreams,
Ivanova clearly makes a strike run on an enemy destroyer after
dogfighting earlier. There is no sign of any of the starfuries
returning and re-arming to change missions, nor is there time in the
battle to have done so.

> Having an anti-ship capacity and being good at it are different
things. Sure
> there may be fighters that seem talented in multiple roles but how do
> stack up against the other dedicated ships in their settings?

Y-Wing vs B-Wing: both are attack fighters by FT2's definition. The
B-Wing is clearly superior on every dimension.

TIE Defender vs TIE Advanced: Both are "super-multirole" fighters. The
T-D is clearly better than the TIE Advanced.

X-Wing vs Z-95 Headhunter: Same role, X-Wing wins. Neither fare well
against the TIE Defender, which is also multirole.

TIE Interceptor vs A-Wing: A wing wins every time unless you have an
idiot piloting the A-wing. It's hard to deny that they're both

Minbari Nial vs EA Starfury: The Nial is widely regarded as by far the
better fighter.

EA Starfury Thunderbolt vs Raider Delta-V: Both atmosphere-capable,
multirole fighters. Anyone willing to put money behind the Delta-V?

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