Re: [GZG] 15mm figure skirmish basing
From: Indy <indy.kochte@g...>
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 17:30:38 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] 15mm figure skirmish basing
Gzg-l mailing list
Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 5:00 PM, Tom B <> wrote:
> For those who play 15mm and base their figs for skirmish action
> than on group stands):
> On what do you base your figures? A penny? A washer? If it is a
washer, how
> big? Something else?
> I've now got (shudder) some 15mm figures
> and must (shudder) base them to consider (cringe) painting them (or
> likely getting someone with better eyes to do that).
Glasses, my friend. I'm wearing them now. 8-/
> I'd like them to be usable with 15mm deckplans and on 15mm-scaled map
> grids. I plan to use them for RPGs, FMAS and SG style games. I'd
> avoid the group basing, though I have an idea for building generic
> bases they could sit onto, once I figure out what size or roundish
thingie I
> should be basing them on....
90% of my skirmish 15mm figs I have not based. I just painted or flocked
'natural' base that attached to the fit. For *me* this has been fine.
others, I know they prefer additional basing. Esp for those prone to
tipped over.
The few I have based I've used small washers that are a few mm larger in
diameter than the figure base. I've seen people use pennies, too. Those
usually fit onto 15mm deckplans, but I think not always. <shrug>
Do you have any 15mm deckplans available to you? You could measure them
with a penny and see... :-)