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Re: [GZG] Small arms tech and troop quality

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 19:22:44 +0000
Subject: Re: [GZG] Small arms tech and troop quality

>On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 11:32 AM, Ground Zero Games <>
>>>On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 9:02 PM, John Tailby <>
>>  As it stands, the system under consideration ...
>>  The system will work just as well if either the target or firer
>>  groups consist of one fireteam stand, a squad, a platoon or even a
>>  full company, and you can actually choose to resolve it at any level
>>  you wish, breaking down or combining attacks in any combination.
>THAT is what I wanted to know.
>Will breaking down the fire require some sort of command roll or will
>you be able to partition it on demand?  Being able to split fire on
>demand shows a remarkable level of field presence for untrained dirt
>farmers after all.

That's the sort of detail we'll start to deal with once we've firmed 
up the basics and decided whether they work well enough; it may end 
up with something simple like the number of target units that fire 
can be split between is relative to the quality of the firers, on a 
scale of untrained = 1 to elite = 5.
As the the actual mechanics of the resolution, I haven't yet run it 
all past our resident number-crunchers so they can tell me that the 
percentages are all wrong <grin>, but it should be possible to allow 
the player to decide how (and if) to split his fire while keeping the 
overall results the same - what it will do in some cases is mean that 
concentrated attacks will produce a certain number of hits, while 
split attacks will produce around the same AVERAGE number of hits but 
might end up with more or less according to dice results.
[Note that a "hit" in this context is not a kill - it's getting 
enough fire on target that it MAY have an effect.]

Jon (GZG)

>Gzg-l mailing list

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