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Re: [GZG] Small arms tech and troop quality

From: "Robert Mayberry" <robert.mayberry@g...>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2008 10:04:17 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] Small arms tech and troop quality

On a related note, should quality reduce your chances of being hit? It
seems like more experienced troops select better cover and are less
likely to reveal their positions. So, all other things being equal,
should veterans be hit less often than green troops?

> I would buy that provided the poorer quality troops suffered
> relatively more severe effects for firing at long ranges--the
> effective range of the guys who have spent more time on the rifle
> range is greater.  If an untrained idiot starts blazing away with an
> AK-47 at 400m, while it is "fire" it is not effective fire, is
> unlikely to land close enough to do much good, and simply pinpoints
> his precise location.

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