Re: [GZG] Small arms tech and troop quality
From: "John Atkinson" <johnmatkinson@g...>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2008 08:51:23 -0600
Subject: Re: [GZG] Small arms tech and troop quality
On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 3:00 AM, Ground Zero Games <> wrote:
> We had a very long discussion on the test list about this point just
> a while back; the general consensus of opinion that emerged from that
> was that effective range probably does NOT alter between quality
> levels as much as SGII depicts; the argument for this was that poorer
> troops tend to open fire at longer ranges than they should do in an
> attempt to prevent the enemy closing with them, even if they can't
> really do anything effective at that sort of range. Better quality
> troops have the fire discipline to wait until the enemy are close
> enough that their fire can really be effective, so might actually
> start firing at a CLOSER range than the poor ones.
> The outcome of the discussions was pretty much that for game purposes
> we'd be better off using fixed range bands for all troops rather than
> variable ones by quality level. The firers' quality would then be
> taken into account in the weight of effective, directed firepower,
> not at the range it was used.
I would buy that provided the poorer quality troops suffered
relatively more severe effects for firing at long ranges--the
effective range of the guys who have spent more time on the rifle
range is greater. If an untrained idiot starts blazing away with an
AK-47 at 400m, while it is "fire" it is not effective fire, is
unlikely to land close enough to do much good, and simply pinpoints
his precise location.
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