Re: [GZG] UNSC Workings
From: "Robert Mayberry" <robert.mayberry@g...>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 18:01:16 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] UNSC Workings
I've never found the UNSC in the tuffleyverse to be terribly
realistic. The only explanation I can think of is if they have some
kind of longstanding intrasolar hegemony that they're capitalizing off
of (see the great post on tax and population bases). After a major war
and with the major powers based on colonies like Albion, presumably
this makes it possible, with their pretense being that they protect
the homeworld from WMD armageddon. But if the UN exists as an
institution at all in the future, it has to be radically transformed
from what it is today. The UNSC as described reminds me of Comstar in
battletech, something I also have trouble figuring out.
(I say intrasolar because if someone owned the solar system's
asteroid, comet, dwarf planet and moon bases, the economic potential
is staggering. It would out-pace the great powers because they'd been
at it longer, but the great powers wouldn't mind because it's
concentrated into one system with no chance of expansion.)
On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 3:54 PM, <> wrote:
> Renaming the topic to raise a new one based off the original. Has
there ever
> been any serious thought into what the UNSC is and how it operates? I
> some of the thread on the PMCs touched on this, but from what I have
> the UNSC obviously has some resources or backing.
> 1) They have equipment beyond the tech of other nations
> 2) They have their own ship and equipment designs and so are not
> equipment from member states.
> 3) Where does all this come from?
> 4) If they have their own space, own resources, own production, then
how is
> it that they are "neutral" in their dealings with other nations?
> -Eli
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