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Re: [GZG] Help Organizing Battlesuits

From: "Eli Arndt" <emu2020@c...>
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 08:04:36 -0800
Subject: Re: [GZG] Help Organizing Battlesuits

Didn't think PA could carry vehicle class weapons. Been a bit since I've
looked through the ol' Stargrunt rules. Though I don't play Stargrunt
normally, I do like to keep SG stats handy for my stuff, just in case.
heavy PA idea might work. I had originally envisioned them as being
PA for a power that hadn't quite got the miniaturization of the
necessary for the armored space suit style of PA or who decided to avoid
building them that way.

If I run them as PA, doesn't that then mean they are bound by the squad
rules and don't the rules sorto f break down when you are using squads
heavy weapons?


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