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Re: [GZG] Toying with UNSC ships (sendout #2)

From: "Jaime Tiampo" <jaime.tiampo@g...>
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2008 17:27:11 -0800
Subject: Re: [GZG] Toying with UNSC ships (sendout #2)

2008/11/23  <>:
> Another thing you could do is just to work the limitations of your
> construction into the doctrine of the fleet. Maybe there simply are no
> Superdreadnought size carriers in UNSC? I like the use of the nuts,
it's a
> very ingenious choice. Can't wait to see what you do to make them look
> like nuts and more like hull pieces.

What I think I'll end up doing is having an X class BC which is the
modular one and have purpose capital ships. I've got some ideas for a
fleet carrier design.

What I'll probably end up doing with the nuts is either replace them
completely with a styrene form or cover them complete with styrene
before building up the detail.

> BTW, I took a close look at the hangar construction and think you have
> a very simple yet elegant way to construct them out of just a couple
> pieces.

There's only 3 pieces to the launch detail. A "V" groove length for
the launch rail, a rectangular tube for the bay, and 1x1mm tile for
the backing. The hardest part about making them is just trying to get
my cuts perpendicular so not everything is slanted. I'm seriously
considering buying a mini mitre box just to make it easier and faster.

> P.S. Do you ever make it down to any of the conventions in the NW

Just Trupeter's Salute in Vancouver. And I may not make that next
year. Have the second kid expected at the end of Feb.

Hopefully if the evening continues quietly I'll have a right size ring
for the small wings done and some detailing put on both of them for
testing as well as a more expanded mockup of the carrier module.


It takes only one drink to get me drunk. The trouble is, I can't
remember if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth.
    George Burns

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