From: Mark Kinsey <Kinseym@p...>
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 09:31:43 -0400
Gzg-l mailing list
The ignorance level regarding the involvement of our allies in
Afghanistan and Iraq is astounding here in the U.S. Recently at work
some of my coworkers were making a few Canadian jokes (which I admit to
having joined in on) but it was getting a bit out of hand so I simply
said "yeah, but they're doing their part in Afghanistan". They all gave
me a confused look and then said "But it's Canada, how much help could
they be." I pointed out that the best sniper team in the world is from
Canada (IIRC they won an international sniper competition two years in a
row) and they have been in Afghanistan kicking some serious ass.
I got that look I often get and one of them said "Figures Kinsey would
know something like that" and then they dropped it.
I'm sure if you ran a poll here in the U.S. many people would completely
unaware what other allies were in Afghanistan fighting alongside our
troops. At any rate, I'd like to say thanks to any troops taking part in
overseas conflicts for the service they do.
-Mark Kinsey
Tom B wrote:
> Hmmm.
> That's two special offers for the middle part of North America without
> any reference to the Northern part. I don't begrudge my USAian friends
> their due. Celebrating Independence Day with a sale was a fine idea.
> So is this offer to the troops.
> But I was a little miffed when Canada Day (July 1st) wasn't worthy of
> notice. Now I'm a bit more miffed that Canadian military gamers aren't
> worthy of support - we're doing our bit in Afghanistan's hotter
> regions alongside the British and Americans.
> I'm beginning to feel like Jon just doesn't love us anymore.
> I'm not specifically bemoaning that I can't get some loot for a fellow
> gamer - my friends in the forces are between overseas tours, the next
> one scheduled to rotate in as a liaison between the Provincial
> Reconstruction Team and the main forces later this year in
> Afghanistan. But I am a bit annoyed that the only people that seem to
> get any notice in North America are our southern neighbours.
> And the Queen of England, Scotland and Wales is still OUR head of
> state! WE didn't dump all the tea in the harbour and send the English
> packing...
> TomB
> True, North, Strong and Inconsequent
> --
> "Now, I go to spread happiness to the rest of the station. It is a
> terrible responsibility but I have learned to live with it."
> Londo, A Voice in the Wilderness, Part I
> "To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like
> administering medicine to the dead." -- Thomas Paine
> Thomas Paine
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