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Re: [GZG] 15mm Vehicle Stands Help

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 20:53:12 +0100
Subject: Re: [GZG] 15mm Vehicle Stands Help

>BTW, the vehicles I'm mounting are GZG High Tech 15mm vehicles. They
>heavy. I'm also planning on using flight stands for my 15mm RAFM stuff
>and that's even heavier.

If you replace the cast metal rod with brass of equivalent diameter 
(for the heavier vehicles - the light scout ones are fine with the 
pewter post), the post goes far enough into the vehicle that it 
should be quite stable just pushed in place without glueing; you can 
then simply take the vehicle off the stand for "grounded" mode.

Jon (GZG)

>-Mark Kinsey
>Mark Kinsey wrote:
>>  What's the best way to use these? Ideally I'd like to have the
option of
>>  removing them so my vehicle can ground/wreck during the game.
>>  I've noticed that they tend to bend. Should I cut them shorter or
>>  replace the shaft with brass or aluminum rod?
>>  Ideas? Things you did?
>>  Thanks,
>>  Mark Kinsey
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