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Re: [GZG] 15mm Vehicle Stands Help

From: Evyn MacDude <infojunky@c...>
Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 11:53:32 -0700
Subject: Re: [GZG] 15mm Vehicle Stands Help

Gzg-l mailing list
On  May23 08, at 11:16, Mark Kinsey wrote:

> I didn't make it clear that I already own the GZG flight stands,  
> but I'm
> not entirely sure how to use them correctly. Are you supposed to  
> drill a
> hole and place them through the bottom of the vehicle, or glue them
> permanently in place? Plus at their full height, they tend to bend.

I would replace the stems then, they are generally the weak point.  
Glue the stem to the base and make sure the hole in the bottom of the  
figure is deep enough to hold the figure securely. It's all matter of  
what works for you.

I just gave you what I did to make me feel secure....

Evyn MacDude

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