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Re: [GZG] How fast is FTL in GZGverse?

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Tue, 13 May 2008 10:35:40 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] How fast is FTL in GZGverse?

Another place you might want to go for further thoughts is the work
Manley has done for SFSFW's Ragnarok magazine. I'm pretty sure it's all
pre-fleet book design, but worthy of another look.

An article called Tripping the Light Fantastic...

Haulin' Gas tries to inject a use for those transports...

Complicating things further are the problems of maint that long series
trips might entail

Funny, I was just thinking I should re-up my membership to the Society.
Expensive from the US, but some of the discounts can reduce the sting.


TomB wrote on 05/13/2008 09:20:40 AM:

***bound by snippage***

> But I'm curious about FTL travel speed and distance. It changes a lot
> of things if you can hop from Earth to the Frontier in one jump of 15
> minutes or if it takes you 20 jumps each a week long. This makes a big
> difference to government structure and policy, to media, to military
> tactics and choices and undoubtedly to other things as well.
> Have you ever thought (notionally, with all the usual caveats) as to
> how you envisioned jump?

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