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Re: [GZG] "old" FT ships....

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Sun, 6 Apr 2008 07:55:26 +0000
Subject: Re: [GZG] "old" FT ships....

>Jon said " There should be some news on this quite soon......	;-)"  
>news or Bad new's Jon, is there a 3 in the title.

The cryptic comment was referring to FT2.5 stats and SSDs for the new 
design ship minis - Dean (Star Ranger) is very kindly putting a lot 
of work into collating designs from various sources for these and 
making up SSDs for them. More news as the project progresses!

As to FT3, it IS getting closer - after a long period of inactivity 
due to other stuff needing to be done, real progress is currently 
being made.  :-)

Jon (GZG)

>James mitchell
>Gzg-l mailing list

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