[GZG] The Triumph of the Daleks
From: "john tailby" <John_Tailby@x...>
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 22:07:54 +1300
Subject: [GZG] The Triumph of the Daleks
Gzg-l mailing list
an update of how the Daleks went in our campaign.
We still have to complete the final turn. I am not involved in the
climatic battles and have possibly screwed up really badly to allow
another player to come in and sneak the win. Ironic really the Daleks
outsmart themselves, never happened before...
So Turn 1
I end up skirmishing with one of my neighbors. He turns out to be using
micro carriers mass 13 or so with a squadron of heavy fast attack
fighters. eeek. Very nasty corvette design.
My ships do OK but it's kind of even.
The Micro carrier Race (the Grey) are also skirmishing with another race
(the arachnid hives) and are doing much better against them.
Turn 2 My ally (United Mankind so sort of eugenic supremacists) launch a
complex attack on the Grey through a wormhole. The Grey and their ally
(the Kitsune- yes foxes) counter attack and we end up with a massive
fight ~10,000 points all up all packed into a table no bigger than 48mu
in diameter and with ~60% entering from the wormhole in the middle of
the table. It's a huge close range knife fight on turn 1. Fortunately
the Daleks brought Gatling blasters and the Kitsune didn't bring
shields. Turn 2 the Micro carrier fleet launches as do the Daleks,
missiles and fighters fly everywhere. When the plasma clears the Daleks
are down about 2000 points as are the Kitsune and Grey with the United
mankind only losing 1000. So technically a victory for the
Daleks...cough. In the meant time the Daleks capture a Grey outpost
world and set up a base on it. The Arachnids also capture a Grey Colony
as does another player.
Turn 3 The Grey retreat to their home world. The Daleks undertake pest
control and bayonet the surviving Grey ships. (in turn 2 I cut their
supply lines so they could not rearm their fighters, I told you it was a
complicated plan) The Daleks also capture the inner Grey colonies
leaving only their home world.
The United Mankind go after the Kitsune (with horns blaring). However
the Kitsune send all their fleet to attack another player so its not
available to defend their space. (not really fit to continue living at
this point). The UM capture the Kitsune wormhole so the Kitsune fleet
can't get back easily.
Turn 4
The Daleks assault the Grey home world. In a scene very reminisant of
the Dalek Saucers launching at the end of Season 1 doctor who the Daleks
carriers launch ~40 squadrons of fighters to cover the assault group.
The grey attack fighters can't cut through that amount of ordnance
defence and get mown down. The Daleks lose 4 frigates and 8 scouts and
kill 1700 points of Grey. a few surviving Grey ships escape but they
have no combat power and no supplies.
The Kitsune fleet is ambushed on it's way back to it's own territory and
the survivors are polished off by the UM defences. The UM go on to
capture the Kitsune home world and several colonies. the Kitsune are
down to about half a dozen frigates at this stage and so effectively out
of it.
Turn 5
The Daleks and their allies have a good position but are vying for top
billing with another alliance so we need to keep ahead of the kill
tally. I attack the Decca confederacy who have been doing quite well up
to now. My attack works like clockwork but succeeds in drawing off the
home defence fleet of the Decca. The United Democratic Republic now
launches a strike against the now undefended home world of the Decca.
(I can see the Decca admiral saying something like "the window of
vulnerability will be very small" famous last words). The UDR assault
consists of something like 18 fast corvettes with massively oversized
hyperdrives, but its enough to take out the Decca home planet defences.
Now this is where it get complicated. To still win the Daleks need the
Decca and the Arachnids to defeat the allies of the UDR otherwise the
UDR alliance will have capture more home worlds than the Daleks and may
be able to claim overall victory.
So I now need to cheer for my enemies.
So we have had a 10 person campaign playing 5 turns over ~3 months and
we have had about 50 battles.