Re: [GZG] [FT] Marine Assault Fighter Group [TOBECLASSIFIED][SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
From: "Brian Bell" <bbell@m...>
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 06:44:23 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] [FT] Marine Assault Fighter Group [TOBECLASSIFIED][SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
I would say to keep it simple.
Number of boarding parties a ship can muster is equal to the number of
The number of marines for ship defense is the same.
If a ship launches a boarding pary, it looses that number of marines for
1 boarding party per shuttle.
Use heavy fighter rules for damaging a shuttle.
The shuttle has no anti-ship weapons and dogfights as a torpedo fighter.
When attacking a ship a 5 or 6 indicates it has delivered it cargo of
Abstracted onboard fighting for FT:
Once on board, a boarding party may:
1. Attack defensive marines (both sides roll a die for each party, on a
the opposite party is destroyed).
2. If the number of boarding parties are equal to or higher than the
of defensive marines, they may either:
2a. Attack the ship. Treat as a Needle Beam attack for each boarding
2b. Attack the DCP's (same as defensive marines)
2c. Attack defensive marines.
For non-abstracted, use Stargrunt or whatever.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robertson, Brendan" <>
To: <gzg-l@mead.CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 1:41 AM
Subject: Re: [GZG] [FT] Marine Assault Fighter Group
> Looks a little more complicated than required. How about:
> Assault shuttles (1 mass each, 4 pts each), and fight as Torpedo
> fighters.
> To "arm" an assault shuttle requires 1 mass of Troops for each
> Only armed shuttles can launch (with 6 endurance). Shuttles can be
> re-armed upon return to the troop transport if there are sufficient
> Troops still available (DCP's are not available for boarding
> Shuttles that successfully "attack" a ship by rolling 4+ (after
> surviving PDS etc) deliver their boarding parties. Troops aboard
> shuttles that miss are lost (PSB: booby traps, missed the hatch,
> by debris etc).
> Resolve using whichever rules you find convenient (MT resolution or
> fighter dogfight rules).
> Note that a full assault shuttle wave requires 15 mass (9 for the
> hangers + 6 Troop spaces). This should limit it to specialty ships,
> otherwise a heavy carrier could capture an enemy fleet in a couple of
> turns.
> Brendan
> 'Neath Southern Skies
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