[GZG] FT Interface Craft
From: Robert N Bryett <rbryett@g...>
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2007 10:36:28 +1100
Subject: [GZG] FT Interface Craft
I had a couple of assault scenarios in my Belt Wars world. Ground
combat was highly abstract but as regards interface craft, my
"armoured shuttles":
1) Can only be carried and launched from a dedicated Assault
Transport, not a carrier. See the example on page 42 of FB1.
2) Move like fighters, but with a move of 6mu only.
3) Have no anti-fighter or anti-ship weapons. Their guns are ground
assault support weapons only, so they may require escort/support.
4) May only be engaged by fighters and PDS defending the landing
zone. Usual rules apply, so any "SAM/AAA emplacement" style PDS on
the ground must be equipped with ADFC to obtain PDS support from any
friendly ships in range.
5) Are heavily armoured, so a PDS or fighter kills a shuttle on a
roll of 6 only (like a Heavy Fighter only more so).
Bear in mind that in Belt Wars, ground assaults were taking place on
airless asteroids. In the absence of an atmosphere, I imagined the
landers as large, armoured versions of the Apollo LEM, with a big
main engine and wide, shock-absorbing landing gear at one end,
blasting into the turnover point, and slowing to touch down in the LZ
at the maximum acceleration the crew could stand, jinking madly with
their over-sized attitude jets all the way.
Best regards, Robert Bryett
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