Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Latest FT ships!! :-)
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2007 12:32:24 +0100
Subject: Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Latest FT ships!! :-)
>Ground Zero Games wrote:
>> Yes, the pods are the same on all the ships (NSL, FSE, NAC and yes,
>> there will be some ESU ones soon).....
>What about the OUDF Fleet Auxiliary/Carrier/Dreadnaught that OO
>some time back, she asks plaintively
We master-moulded some of these a while ago, but had some trouble
with the Fleet Auxiliary (proving very difficult to cast
successfully) so I'm afraid the whole lot got shelved till I could
find the time to look at them again..... :-/
We could put the carrier together with a bit of further mould making,
which I really must do; the FA is problematic at present, and I don't
think OA has actually finished the DN (which I certainly can't blame
him for, since I haven't yet done anything useful with the other
Sorry the news on them isn't better, but I'll see if I can do
anything with them sometime soon.
Jon (GZG)
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