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[GZG] [OFFICIAL] Latest FT ships!! :-)

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 20:07:50 +0000
Subject: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Latest FT ships!! :-)

To give everyone something to talk about, here's the list of the new 
ships we're releasing THIS WEEK; watch out for pictures and other 
details within a couple of days, posted to the usual locations - our 
webstore, TMP, SCN etc.

New-Style FSE Fleet:
FT636	Velasco class Orbital Assault Ship			       
FT637	Centauro class Escort Carrier				       
FT661	Ariadni class Fleet Replenishment Tender 
FT662	Durance class Fleet Refuelling Tanker			       
FT663	Ariadni class Fleet Replenishment Tender - "Q-ship" armed 
variant*	£6.00

New-Style NAC Fleet:
FT161	Fort Grange class Fleet Replenishment Tender		       
FT162	Wichita class Fleet Refuelling Tanker			       
FT163	Fort Grange class Fleet Replenishment Tender - "Q-ship" armed 
variant*	£6.00

New-Style NSL Fleet:
FT563	Odenwald class Fleet Replenishment Tender - "Q-ship" armed 
variant*	£6.00

FT350	3 x cargo pods with weapon turrets, for "Q-ships" or armed 
auxiliaries	£2.00

* The Q-ship variants of the Fleet Tenders are each supplied with 3 x 
armed pods in place of 3 of their regular cargo pods.


Jon (GZG)

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