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Re: [GZG] 15mm Infantry Platoon packs?

From: Phillip Atcliffe <atcliffe@n...>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 17:47:29 +0100
Subject: Re: [GZG] 15mm Infantry Platoon packs?

Ground Zero Games wrote:
> (It's an old joke that some Americans think that everyone here in 
> Britain knows everyone else.... "Hey, you're from London, do you know 
> Mr and Mrs Smith, they live in London too....")  ;-)
Or, more likely, "Hey, you're from London. That's in England, isn't it? 
Do you know the Smiths? They're an English couple we met last year. They

live in Aberdeen..." Etc. Note the multiple levels of cluelessness.

Of course, the Poms can be just as bad. Replace, say, London with 
Sydney, England with Australia and Aberdeen with Perth (or Auckland!), 
and you get much the same thing. It happens, folks.

Phil, long convinced that the British have no concept of distance

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