Re: [GZG] [Aliens] was Re: FMA at EEC etc
From: <john_tailby@x...>
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2007 9:02:54 +1300
Subject: Re: [GZG] [Aliens] was Re: FMA at EEC etc
---- Oerjan Ariander <> wrote:
> Tony Christney wrote:
> >>I really do not understand the secrecy of the playtest list. My
> >>understanding is GZG
> >>makes little off the rules anyway.
> >
> >I would suggest the contrary - I think that Jon makes MOST of his
> >money from the rules.
> Not really. While the GZG rules do act as advertisements for the GZG
> miniatures, the various new GZG miniatures ranges sell rather well
> though there are no rules that support them.
For the mineatures that people buy with no rules are they bought to not
play FT with or are people just making up their own SSDs?
I'd agree, the rules and the game are the marketing department for a
games company. People can buy the rules fairly cheaply and then decide
which models they want to buy.
But no company survives that doesn't update it's advertising.
> >I suspect that one of the reasons that rules development has
> >slowed down is because Jon himself is too busy to play many
> >games.
> If only you were right... but no. GZG rules development is slow
because Jon
> himself is so busy sculpting, casting and selling miniatures that he
> doesn't have enough time to spare for gaming :-(
Doesn't this answer contradict itself and then agree with the previous
If the rules are difficult to produce produce them like software. make
the rules into a single PDF document and then make up PDF documents for
each fleet.
If the rules need to change you can easily update a PDF with a new
release or patch in the style of software.
One of the things that challanges GW is that getting updated reprints of
their rules and books takes ages and there are almost always FAQ
relating to each book. Using a business strategy where the business is
about making and selling the figures would allow you to go for a low
cost easy to implement and update model.
Heck a regular release schedule with updates every 6 months would be
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