Re: [GZG] Anime Walkers (Quick survey - 15mm SF preferences?)
From: Robert N Bryett <rbryett@m...>
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2006 11:14:40 +1100
Subject: Re: [GZG] Anime Walkers (Quick survey - 15mm SF preferences?)
I have problems with the whole idea of walkers that are taller than a
tank (and the ones that have legs when they spend most of their time
flying or in space seem particularly barmy), but I've always had a
soft spot for the Armoured Troopers in Votoms:
Drawing of the cockpit etc.:
They have that "Churned out by the thousand in a factory east of the
Urals" look.
The mechs in Gazaraki are pretty real-looking too, even if the plot
of the TV serial was pretty daft, even by anime standards:
The armed suits in Ghost In The Shell (my personal anime favourite)
are interesting too. They are more "worn" than "driven" in that the
wearer's arms and legs extend at least part-way into those of the
suit, rather than operating joysticks and pedals in a cockpit in the
Best regards, Robert Bryett
On 11/11/2006, at 06:20 , Eli Arndt wrote:
> Though anime has produced some nice machines, I'd love to see
> something that looks like it actually rolled out of an earthly
> factory.
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