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RE: Blue Sky Thinking (was: Re: [GZG] re: Wanted)

From: "Michael Brown" <mwsaber6@m...>
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2006 17:34:00 -0700
Subject: RE: Blue Sky Thinking (was: Re: [GZG] re: Wanted)

Having a restriction on the number of pilots harkens back to "Trillion
Credit Squadron".  TCS is really the only way I would do a campaign
and borrow some details from FFW).

Michael Brown

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of David
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2006 5:22 PM
Subject: RE: Blue Sky Thinking (was: Re: [GZG] re: Wanted)

Ken Hall wrote:
>>Although it will be some little time before I can actually _play_ in a
campaign, I would be obliged if you'd post the rules, John. I think
campaigns, all else equal, are the only way to go in naval (or starship)
gaming. "What job is this going to do in peacetime, in wartime, and
whom?" is always in the back of my head when I design ships.<<

That was me actually, :-)

I'll include rules for Ship Crew Quality as well. These evolved from
FT up through the Fleetbooks and we're all (or mostly) old SFB hands as
well. I'm sure you'll see the SFB influence. We did Legendary Officers
well, but the rules for those have disappeared into the ether.

As a general note for our campaigns we included a cost for crew and
because it seemed to make sense. We tinkered with a couple of systems
involving increasing costs to replace CF's lost due to combat. PSB was
either difficulty in recruiting or a simple lack of available resources.

What was amusing is when one guy wanted to start press-ganging the crews
his merchant ships. We decided to let him, and we had some fun playing a
couple of "boarding actions" - and there were a couple of goofy
repercussions as well later in the campaign. Sort of a short term gain
at a
long term cost situation.

In our campaign turns it took 2 turns to turn out a Green Squadron, 4
to turn out a Regular one. Zero for a Recruit Squadron. One Green Ship
factors could be turned out in one turn, a Regular Crew Factor could be
produced in two turns.

For the life of me I cannot remember what the cost for extra capacity in
Flight School or Naval Academy was. If people are interested, I'll see
if I
can unearth those rules as well. They're buried somewhere on CD back-up.

Recruit: (0 Points)
Must Move First in Fighter Phase
+2 Morale
-1 On Scramble Rolls
-2 in Dogfight
-1 Combat Endurance Factor
If fails two consecutive morale rolls must return to carrier
-2 Initiative
-1 to Intercept Missiles (+1 to be caught in Missile's blast)

Green: (1 Point)
+1 Morale
-1 in Dogfight
If fails two consecutive morale rolls must return to carrier
-1 Initiative

Regular: (2 Points)
Normal Rules

Veteran: (4 Points)
-1 Morale
+1 Die 
+1 Initiative

Ace: (Cannot Buy)
-1 Morale
Against Ships: +1 Die to the Attack Group or attack as a Needle Beam
Dogfight: +1 Die to Group or can target an Enemy Ace
+1 Initiative
Attached squadron moves last.

Experience Worked as Follows:
Recruit to Green: 2 Engagements
Green to Regular: 4 Engagements
Regular to Veteran: 8 Engagements
Ace: In any engagement there is a 1/8 chance that the Regular and
Squadrons will generate an Ace. One roll is made, and only one Ace is
generated, no matter how many squadrons there are.

Groups could be trained to the next level at triple the points cost of
experience level and being out-of-action for three campaign turns.

Initial distribution of pilots was as follows:
30% - Green
50% - Regular 
20% - Veteran
There was 1 Ace for every 10 squadrons. 
These could be distributed about ships and bases as desired 


Poor: (50% Normal Cost) 
+2 to Rolls to Strike Colors
-2 to Initiative
50% Damage Control Parties
-1 to Damage Control rolls
-2 to Boarding Party rolls
+1 to Threshold Checks
+/-1 to Critical System rolls
Ship must move first.

Green: (75% Normal Cost)
+1 to Rolls to Strike Colors
-1 Initiative
50% Damage Control Parties
-1 to Boarding Party rolls
+/-1 to Critical System rolls

Regular: (Basic Point Cost of Crew = CF)  
Normal Rules

Veteran: (200% Normal Cost)
-1 to Rolls to Strike Colors
+1 Initiative
+1 to Boarding Party Rolls
-1 to Threshold Checks

Elite Crew: (500% Normal Cost)
-2 to Rolls to Strike Colors
+2 Initiative
+1 to Damage Control rolls
+1 to Boarding Party rolls
-1 to Threshold Checks
+/-1 to Critical System Rolls

Experience Worked as Follows:
Poor to Green: 3 Engagements.
Green to Regular: 1 Engagement per CF
Regular to Veteran: 1 Engagement per CF
Veteran to Elite: 2 Engagements per CF

Crews could be trained to the next level at triple the points cost of
experience level and being out-of-action for 6 campaign turns.

Initial distribution of crews was as follows:
40% - Green
30% - Regular 
20% - Veteran
10% - Elite
These could be distributed as desired.


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