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Re: [GZG] [Stargrunt] Wanted

From: "Allan Goodall" <agoodall@h...>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 14:46:47 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] [Stargrunt] Wanted

On 10/25/06,
<> wrote:

> Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 12:05:51 -0500 (CDT)
> From: <>
> >I have been working on a board game variant of Stargrunt using Squad
Leader boards. [snip] Would that be something you'd be interested in?
> *I* certainly would be.

My intention was to create a set of conversion rules that required the
SG2 rulebook, but let you play SG2 as a board game. I can understand
if Jon is worried about it eating into figure sales, which is why I
posed the question as to whether Jon would mind it being released to
the public at large.

I, personally, don't think it would adversely affect figure sales, as
a large part of miniature gaming is the aesthetic appeal of moving
miniatures on 3D terrain. If Jon gives the okay, I will release
Stargrunt-SL (which is what I've been calling it) to the world.

The main reason I created it was so that I'd have a "travel" version
of Stargrunt. It allows you to play bigger games simply because the
time it takes to move squads around is much lower, so you can use it
for those company-sized games that used to take 6+ hours.

It also integrates well with the board game. You can create a table
based on a hex board, and use SG-SL for off-table movement and fire
from off table support assets.

I have a bunch of Heroscape terrain bits. I'm considering painting up
some of my old Battletech 10mm figures (never bought the mechs, or
enough vehicles, but I have a lot of infantry I got cheap). I can base
multiple figures for, say, Striker but play the game ala SG-SL. This
could also be done with 15mm figures.

In fact, the SG-SL rules include some minor changes that could be used
by 15mm and 6mm players who want to mount their SG squads on single

The rules work, and I have generic counters created. I'm editing the
counters slightly so that the lettering at the top of the counter is
not cut off. The counters are all black outlines, much like Squad
Leader, so that you can print them on colour paper from a laser or
inkjet printer. I need to finish the vehicle counters, and the
man-portable heavy weapon counters.

The rules need some clean up, too, but that won't take too long.


Allan Goodall
Gzg-l mailing list

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