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From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 09:50:12 -0500
Subject: 敒›䝛䝚⁝敒›술䚠汵桔畲瑳倠慬瑹獥㽴⠠楓潭桗瑩⥥

> Right, I've rambled on long enough.

Maybe for one note, but keep 'em coming. You appear to have an active
interested group, and that's a prize most of us would cherish, and brag

If I sent cash, forms, and return postage, do you think you could keep
detailed battle records? ;->=

I know the whole 'record the die rolls' is wicked tedious, but you've
probably already witnessed the number crunchers on this list, especially
the Mighty, who live for that sort of thing.

And, of course, as you say, tra-la, 'Since we are playing in a campaign
setting, there have yet to be any really interesting battles. Well there
was one - but no one thought to document it.'

Oh, I'm crazed to hear of new campaign systems; and, even if you call it
stopped developement, you can bet I'll be coming up with questions about
your work!


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