Re: [GZG] [brushfire] Day 2.5 - day cycle [long] [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
From: <laserlight@v...>
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:28:56 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: [GZG] [brushfire] Day 2.5 - day cycle [long] [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
>"Hudak, this is Atkinson. I know about the nerve gas.
Hey, Major Hudak admits to toasting those civilians with that
missile--by accident!--five years ago, but the rumors of illicit weapons
were just rumors (as far as Hudak was concerned, that is--someone used
it, but it wasn't us). Trying to pull this "oh, the slimy mercenaries
must have emplanted nerve gas" ploy...hey, *my* guys aren't in gas-proof
suits, as far as I know.
I have no idea what the "driver with cylinder with nasty symbols" stuff
was about. If I *did* have a cannister lying around--which I don't--I
certainly wouldn't put it in an unarmored, unescorted, unsealed vehicle
wandering around the battlefield. My guess is that this mysterious
cannister was a bribe...excuse me, a generous gift from an appreciative
leading citizen to Major Hudak. A bottle of brandy, with perhaps some
nice soft money to pad it.
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