Re: OU and New Caledonia - was RE: [GZG] NSL Geopolitical Composition
From: "Roger Books" <roger.books@g...>
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 09:17:29 -0400
Subject: Re: OU and New Caledonia - was RE: [GZG] NSL Geopolitical Composition
Gzg-l mailing list 8/27/06, <> wrote:
The look on the face of the US carrier commander when the "We come from
> the land downunder" came booming in from the Aussie sub who tagged her
> is priceless ;)
Do you have any references on this? If the carrier C.O. was angry it
somebody underestimated the AU forces. I like to see U.S. forces get
slammed in training scenarios when they are overconfident. Makes them
think should a real situation arrives.
The degree of range within any particular food type may
> not be as broad as in the US (having 6 brands of marshmallow breakfast
> cereal isn't a sign of technological advancement), but its as broad as
> in any European/UK supermarket and its more than sufficient for the
> available demand.
<bewildered>You mean everyone doesn't have a 30 meter isle of cereal?
How do you survive?</>
Our food choices and our T.V. addiction add up to unhealthy extreme