Re: RE: [GZG] Fighter rules Questions...
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 09:11:56 -0500
Subject: Re: RE: [GZG] Fighter rules Questions...
LL wrote on 05/24/2006 08:47:25 AM:
> >Can salvo missile attack fighters (other than by possibly
> taking some with them when they go pop)?
> Not unless you house-rule an anti-fighter missile warhead.
> I'd consider that a waste of a salvo.
House rule could be massaged, I'd think. How about the full number of
anti-fighter missles deploy into a squadron, and then each rolls to hit?
that's BEFORE fighter defense, I'd think it might be worth including in
large missle bay.
On the other hand, I don't have a lot of experience with fighters or
> >When a ship must take threshold checks due to EMP/Ion
> beam hits, are those threshold checks tied to the ship's
> current damage level?
> Hmmm....that's not exactly addressed, is it? I'd say the
> intent of the rules is "no, the max an EMP can do is a 4-6
> roll", but I could be wrong.
Star Ranger's Ion Cannons roll at 'the target ships next threshold
if this was considered for beta submissions. Do the beta versions hit
individual systems, and not, on each hit, roll against all systems? I
that's the way Dean's work.
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