Re: [GZG] [GZG ECC] Devil In The Details and All Alone In The Dark
From: Jon Davis <davisje@n...>
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2006 19:15:26 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] [GZG ECC] Devil In The Details and All Alone In The Dark
Photos will be coming in shortly. Mark Kinsey will be mailing me a CD
with about 60 MB of images. Others should be coming in soon, including
the mushroom cloud antics. :-O
Readers may wonder how the Ticonderoga was underneath the Konstantin
assault carrier. I picked up a pack of black poker chips. Pure black.
When ships make those close passes, using poker chips to elevate their
stands so that the figures don't collide keeps the table better
Thomas Barclay wrote:
>Anyone who has photos of my Stargrunt game for Saturday night or of
Aaron's all alone in
>the Dark (or of Jon's Sunday morning game with the NAC ticonderoga and
NAC Huron
>*underneath* my Komarov), I'd love to get copies. Email me to arrange
transfer - please
>DON'T email me the images as I'm on 21 kbps dial up and that kills me.
If you do want to
>email them to me, send them to my gmail account (kaladorn at gmail dot
com) so that I
>don't have to download them until I get to broadband.
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