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Re: [GZG] [SG2] Terrain layout

From: Adrian <adrian@s...>
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2006 14:56:11 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] [SG2] Terrain layout

>When you're setting up a SG game--say a pickup game on a 4x6
>table-- what's your rule of thumb for setting up terrain?
>How much hard cover, soft cover, and items that block LOS
>(hills, woods)?

You've played on tables that I've set up so you have some idea of the 
density I prefer.  Given the game scale vs. figure scale differences, I 
tend toward more terrain than less.  I don't want "long range rifle
to become the battle - dice, dice, and more dice.  I prefer enough
so that the players are forced to maneuver.  On the other hand, as was 
pointed out, you don't want SO much terrain that fights only happen in 
range band 1 or by close assault.  That may be fine, however, if you're 
doing an urban setting...

Also, a mix of terrain is good - it provides tactical challenge for the 
players.  I often include buildings, forest, hills, rivers.  Partly that
because that's the terrain I have ready to go - I'm going to do roads 
eventually, and working on ways to do good looking agricultural land.

Desert terrain is a bit more of a challenge - you tend to get much
sight lines, so need careful scenario design or everyone dies really

Adrian Johnson 

Gzg-l mailing list

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