Re: [GZG] John's Shipbuilding
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@g...>
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 23:56:50 +0100
Subject: Re: [GZG] John's Shipbuilding
On 1/16/06, Oerjan Ariander <> wrote:
> Basically, this match-up hinges on how many missile boats the SDN can
> cripple before the boats get into missile launch range. By shaping its
> vector away from the missile boats the SDN can force the boats to come
> quite deep into the SDN's direct-fire weapons envelope before their
> missiles range on it, and if the velocities are high enough it can
> them to spend several turns under fire before they can launch. Given
> fragility of a missile boat - eg., on the design you posted even the
> damage point inflicted has a 30% chance of neutering the boat by
> either or both of the FCS and the SMR - and the amount of firepower
> SDN can put out even at ranges >24mu, that is seriously bad news for
> missile boats.
??? 4 beam dice, 3 pulse torps that have a 1 in 6 chance of hitting.
That's not exactally overwhelming.
> Of course, as Laserlight wrote the outcome of this battle depends
> on the set-up. If the starting range and/or the initial velocities are
> low, the SDN won't be able to shape its vector appropriately before
> missile boats range on it - but if the SDN's captain has allowed 30+
> unidentified ships to get that close without even beginning to do
> about it, I'd say he deserves to lose his ship!
True. And a lot of that goes into campaign assumptions--specifically,
the range at which the SDN captain can spot 30+ bogies.
> Basic premises are reasonably OK - though note that neither torpedoes
> SSMs/ASMs are necessarily single-hit-kill systems against today's
To be fair, SSMs or ASM may not sink a ship, but they will very likely
mission kill them.
> - but the conclusion you draw from them is not. In historical wet-navy
> conflicts the weapons carried by small ships were usually unable to
> damage large battleships until the torpedoes and missiles came around;
> in Full Thrust even a tiny B1 battery can damage a superdreadnought -
and a
> lot of B1s can destroy an SDN with a hundred tiny cuts. This fact
> severely upsets comparisons between Full Thrust and historical
wet-navy fleets.
You need a LOT of B1s, and I wouldn't want to try it with real human
beings under my command. Of course, that's a factor that will always
be missing from a game--there are strategies that may be effective but
not cost-effective (in terms of lives), and there is no way to enforce
that consideration when dealing with notional people.
> In addition the biases don't have favour either end of the scale; they
> also favour the *middle* of the scale - eg., in the CPV case the
> TMF range is roughly 80-150 (due to the interaction between the
> hull costs and all the game mechanics that actively favour larger
> and the bias against other sizes isn't very strong until you get up to
> 350+.
True that -- but there is always a favored part of the scale and
fleets designed for efficiency and effectiveness will gravitate
towards having a majority of their ships being at that part of the
"Thousands of Sarmatians, Thousands of Franks, we've slain them again
and again. We're looking for thousands of Persians."
--Vita Aureliani
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