Re: [OT] Noble Armada ships was [OT ]SD was Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] MORE SURPRISE NEW RELEASES!
From: John K Lerchey <lerchey@a...>
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 13:48:19 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [OT] Noble Armada ships was [OT ]SD was Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] MORE SURPRISE NEW RELEASES!
On Tue, 22 Nov 2005, Doug Evans wrote:
> BB wrote on 11/22/2005 11:11:42 AM:
>> Another mini that looks like a Death Glider, and just
>> right for DSII,
>> is the Centauri "Sentri" Heavy Fighter from B5 Wars.
> True, but IF I can find the right blue paper bag in the swirling,
> incoherent maw that is my basement, he can have them for the cost of
> class USPS.
For which he is truly grateful. :)
OTOH, if the Centauri fighters are different/similar enough, it might
some variety to my forces. Right now, they have a rather sparce
in vehicles - which in some ways I like. I'm using GZG grav vehicles -
the ones with the names like "Pozruzh" or whatever. So I have an APC, a
Medium Tank, a Heavy Tank, and a modified MICV (APC with a Medium Tank
turret with the main gun removed). For air power I have some of the
fighters I've mentioned, and I'm hoping to collect a total of 9 of the
boxy transports to use for VTOLs for assault troops.
I'm using the K'hiff powered armor infantry from the Denizen line (I
recall who made them in 6mm, but I have it bookmarked somewhere), and
made some heavy weapons by using the cannons from the OGRE miniatures
heavy infantry line.
Overall, it's a neat little army designed around fast assaults with
thought to variety - like no dedicated AA (there are twin cannons on the
top of the Pozruh Hvy Grav Tank that I use for AA guns), no artillery,
nothing like CASEVAC or AARVs. I don't even let them "pop smoke" as I
consider it to be a non-K'hiff action. :)
In any case, I appreciate the help with getting more of the plastic
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