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RE: Statistics - was RE: [GZG] Re: laser classes

From: "B Lin" <lin@r...>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 11:39:40 -0600
Subject: RE: Statistics - was RE: [GZG] Re: laser classes

Again you are confusing the question.  It doesn't matter how many dice
you roll ot what grouping you use to roll as long as the total number of
dice rolled is the same.  You keep insisting that more dice produce
better odds, and that is true if their total is more. i.e. rolling two
dice has almost twice the odds of getting a 6 compared to rolling one
die.  But comparing two single dice to a pair of dice the odds of
rolling a 6 are exactly the same. You are confusing a unit of one being
equivalent to a unit of 2 or 4 and they are not.  The totals need to be
equivalent (i.e. both sets total 9 dice) for you to directly compare

Throughout the argument I have constantly stressed the point that the
number of dice be equivalent and it didn't matter what grouping you
rolled them as long as the total # was equal.  You keep insisting that a
set of 4 (or 2) is better than 1 and I don't disagree, but 4 isn't equal
to 1.  The correct comparison is a set of 4 dice against a set of 4
single dice - the total number of dice are equivalent.	Your argument
seems to imply that the odds of getting 9 6's is different if you roll
the dice in pairs or in fours vs. rolling each die singly, and that is
not true.

The question was not if the odds of rolling 19 points of damage on one
die is the same as rolling 19 points of damage using 2 dice.  The
question was what were the odds of getting 19 points of damage from two
Class One batteries.  Working backwards, the only way to get 19 points
of damage using the re-roll rule is that 9 6's and a 4 or 5 had to be
rolled.  This delineated the problem right there - we are only
considering cases where 9 6's and a 4 or 5 are rolled, any other
combination doesn't match the 2 battery limit or the 19 point limit.

At this point the problem has dealt with the number of batteries and
re-roll issues and they are no longer relevant.  The question is now,
what are the odds of rolling the exact sequences 9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,5 or
9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,4 on 10 dice.

For that there is a single answer as previously shown in other posts.


-----Original Message-----
[] On
Behalf Of Daryl Lonnon
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: Statistics - was RE: [GZG] Re: laser classes

Oh well ..

Obviously someone is not understanding someone (could very
well be me).

If your contention is that it's the same odds to roll 19 pts of
damage on 1 beam die as it is on 2 beam dice, then we'll
just have to agree to disagree.


p.s. If you wish to continue this discussion we can do it
over e-mail and not annoy the other list members.

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